RISC User 10:5

April 1997

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Arc Click this icon to open a window showing the contents of the archive



Imp Arc Getting Fired Up About Animation
Find out how to create animated GIF images for your Web pages
Imp Arc Bright IDEas
Tony Howat explains the problems and pitfalls you're likely to encounter when fitting an IDE drive to your Acorn
Imp Arc DTP Workshop
Keith Parker performs his first makeover of an existing publication, the Plane Informer
Imp Arc Fount of Truth
Acorn has licensed Bitstream's TrueDoc font technology for incorporation into its own font manager; we explain all about it
Imp Arc Education
Our experts investigate portable data logging, and learn how to grow up together peacefully
Imp Arc
Imp Arc Pocket Book Abacus
Mark Moxon presents some hints and tips for getting the most out of the Pocket Book's inbuilt spreadsheet
Imp Arc Working on the Image
Nobilangelo Ceramalus goes Snark-hunting, but finds out that Boojums aren't always as fearsome as they seem
Imp Arc PC Matters
Learn how to straighten out the over-complicated mess that passes for a memory map on a PC
Imp Arc Wimp Topics
Alan Wrigley explains all about displaying JPEG images in your own programs
Imp Arc Netline
Trainspotting with image maps in virtual worlds
Imp Arc Toolbox Topics
Tony Howat presents a useful window pane library for Toolbox programmers
Imp Arc Compiler Corner
Squeak Smalltalk and UnixLib come under the spotlight this month


Imp Arc WimpBasic
Clares' new programming environment allows you to create multi-tasking applications in minutes
Imp Arc RapIDE32
Tony Howat checks out the performance of the Yellowstone IDE card, and finds it impressive
Imp Arc StrongGuard!
Andrew Clover flexes his muscles with a piece of software which aims to improve the compatibility of applications with the StrongARM Risc PC
Imp Arc SerialNET
Get hooked on your serial port with this cheap networking product from iSV


Imp Arc Editorial
  Txt Contents
Imp Arc News
  Txt Points Arising
Imp Arc Technical Queries
Imp Arc Puzzle
Plus solution for puzzle 10:4
Imp Arc Hints & Tips
  N/A Magazine Disc Dsc

Additional files

Imp Flat Plan
Overall layout of pages for this issue of the magazine
Imp Progress sheet
A list of articles, their authors and the number of pages they occupy
Imp Production sheet
RISC User production sheet template for this issue
Imp Cover captions
Captions suggested for use on the front cover of this issue